Welcome to lifeway
welcome home.
It’s been said that people aren’t looking for a church. They’re looking for a family. That’s exactly what Lifeway is. We worship. We laugh. We grow. We are a family that does life together.
Lifeway is home to people from different walks of life as we journey together in discovering and growing in our faith. Welcome to Lifeway. Welcome home.

our PastorS
PASTOR George & Rosie Molina

Pastors George and Rosie Molina, originally from Texas, have called Arizona home since March of 2000. Soon after making Arizona home, God began to grow their family. They are the parents of 4 amazing children. In 2003, Pastors George and Rosie felt the call of God to start Lifeway Church. Lifeway was launched in May of 2003 and over the years have experienced God’s miraculous blessings over their family and ministry.
Pastors George and Rosie are very relational and love people. You will often find them connecting with people before and after service. Their emphasis in ministry is to make disciples and to build leaders in all generations. Since beginning Lifeway, Pastors George and Rosie have initiated School of Discipleship, School of Leadership and Lifegroups that ministers to people all over the West Valley. They are driven to preach the Gospel and to make disciples.
Find the most asked questions and their answers right here.
What can I expect a Lifeway worship service to be like?
Lifeway has energetic praise and intimate worship. Our church family is very engaged throughout the worship service. One thing is for sure. You will leave encouraged, uplifted and challenged by the worship experience.
What should I wear to a Lifeway worship service?
Nothing formal that’s for sure. Our pastors and leadership usually wear jeans and a nice shirt. You will find that many in our congregation are into kicks (sneakers). Come as you are.
What kind of church is Lifeway? Is it affiliated with a denomination/fellowship?
Lifeway is affiliated with the Assemblies of God but we attract people from many different denominational backgrounds. We preach Jesus and not a denomination. Everyone is welcome.
What about my kids?
At Lifeway Church we are honored to have the opportunity to plant seeds into the lives of children. Our desire is to share the love of Jesus with every child that enters through our doors. Lifeway Kids is a place where children learn about God on their level in a fun, safe, friendly, kid charged atmosphere.

WEEKEND Services

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Sundays 10:30 AM